Real Deals Media Limited (“Real Deals”) Awards Entry - Terms and Conditions (“Terms”)


The awards (“Awards”) are organised and administered by Real Deals Media Limited (“Real Deals”, we, us, our). The Awards will be governed by these Terms and in entering the Awards, each entrant (you, your) agrees to be bound by the Terms in full.

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to cancel or change the awards process, venue and format of the awards at any time. We reserve the right to amend these at any time without notice.

There is no limit as to the number of Awards categories to which you can enter.

If there is a fee stipulated to enter the Awards, your entry is conditional on payment of that fee. No refund of the fee will be given once entry has been made.


You agree to provide Real Deals with such information and materials within such timelines as Real Deals may reasonably require in order to judge your entry for the Awards. You agree to provide such information and materials in good faith and ensure it is accurate in all material respects. We reserve the right not to progress an entry further if we have reasonable grounds to believe the information provided is not accurate.

The awards will be judged by a representative or group of representatives appointed by us (Judges) and their decision will be final.

By submitting an entry to the awards, you agree to make every effort to be available for the awards’ judging process and to provide further information upon request as the Judge(s) require.

The Judge(s) reserve the right to change the category for which the entry was entered as they deem appropriate.

Intellectual Property

We are not responsible for obtaining or verifying any intellectual property rights relating to your entry. In entering the Awards, you confirm that you are the legal owner of all intellectual property (and moral rights) in relation to your entry or you have obtained all necessary permissions and licenses from all relevant third parties in order to make the entry and disclose relevant information.

By entering the Awards you agree that all information you provide (including supporting materials, photographs and company logo) may be used by us in promoting the Awards and for press and publicity purposes save for non-publicly available financial details which you have specifically and clearly marked.

By entering the Awards you agree that you shall not, without the prior written consent of Real Deals, in any manner utilise the Awards logo or any other Real Deals trademarks for any purposes whatsoever. Real Deals reserves the right to charge a fee to license the use of the Awards logo for your marketing and promotional purposes.


We shall not under any circumstances be liable to you whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise for: (i) loss of profit or anticipated profit; (ii) loss of or damage to data; (iii) loss of anticipated savings or interest; (iv) loss of revenue or anticipated revenue; (v) loss of or damage to reputation or goodwill; (vi) loss of business opportunity; (vii) wasted expenditure; or (viii) any indirect, special or consequential damages, arising out of or in connection with the Awards.

Nothing in this Agreement shall limit or exclude a party's liability for: (i) death or personal injury caused by its negligence, or the negligence of its employees, agents or subcontractors; (ii) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or (iii) any other liability which cannot be limited or excluded by applicable law.

You agree to fully indemnify all involved in the Awards including us, our promoters, our Judges, our agents and employees against any third party claim that could arise from your entry.

Privacy and data protection

Where you have acknowledged your express consent in the sign up process, you understand and agree that we may collect and pass on certain personal information about you such as your name and contact details (“Personal Data”) to the Awards event sponsors for the purposes of the Awards event or for marketing about future events. You may enquire as to which sponsor your data may go by contacting

To the extent you transmit, pass, or otherwise provide Personal Data to us, we will store and use the data in compliance with all Relevant Privacy Requirements including our posted privacy policy and has contractually required its sponsors to do the same. We will not hold any Personal Data provided to you by us in excess of two years without your express consent.

The term “Relevant Privacy Requirements” shall mean, for purposes of this Agreement, all present and future (i) applicable laws, governmental regulations and court or government agency orders, decrees and policies relating in any manner to the collection, use or dissemination of information from or about users, user traffic or otherwise relating to privacy rights or the sending of marketing and advertising communications including but not limited to the UK-GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA); (ii) any written agreements with non-governmental certification bodies; and (iii) our posted privacy and cookie policy.

Without limiting the foregoing, we further warrant and undertake that we shall comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (as amended) including by providing users with clear and comprehensive information about the purpose of cookies and similar technologies used on our websites and obtaining user consent for the use of the same (and to the extent those laws apply to you, it shall assist you to also comply). Our websites shall contain a prominent link to our privacy and cookie policy and such policy shall (a) be consistent with your obligations set forth herein and the rights it is granting to you and (b) comply with all industry standards, with all laws and regulations, and with applicable self- regulatory guidelines.


These Terms and any dispute arising out of or in connection with its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed and construed in accordance with laws of England and Wales and you irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms or the Awards.

Real Deals Media Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 06859732.
VAT Registration Number 985 7956 35. Registered office: 120 Moorgate, London EC2M 6UR